在世界盃分組賽,比利時對英格蘭的比賽當中,比利時憑著贊奴沙入球,小勝英格蘭 1:0。就在入球之後,入球者的隊友巴舒亞伊由於太興奮,全力把球踢進龍門慶祝,怎料卻反彈門柱省中自己臉部。而有球迷就提議 EA 一定要把這個入球慶祝方式加入 FIFA 19。
Ahahha I knew I would be f*cked the minute I come to my mentions 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 why am I so stupid bro 🤦🏾♂️ shit hurts
— Michy Batshuayi (@mbatshuayi) June 28, 2018
而賽後巴舒亞伊賽後亦為自己的這個動作嘲弄一番:「為何我會這樣愚蠢」。當然他的留言是有 1:0 勝出的戰果做背書,所以這樣的小事當然無問題!而有不少球迷就回覆指,有很多人都留言希望巴舒亞伊的慶祝方式會加入 FIFA 19,更有人揚言會馬上預訂遊戲。FIFA 19 足球遊戲預定在 2018 年 9 月 28 日正式推出,平台包括 PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Switch, PC。
I want Batshuayi celebration in FIFA 19
— Jason Cotard (@JasonDactor) June 28, 2018
we need this in FIFA 19! You're not gonna give us the career mode we deserve, so at the very least we deserve the Batshuayi celebration! @EA
— Akshay Jumani (@aj11094) June 28, 2018
@EASPORTSFIFA hi guys… just wondering if we can have the batshuayi goal celebration on Fifa 19 ? You know… the one where he boots the ball at the post and it rebounds in his face ? Thanks in advance
— Riley (@fatherbiscuits) June 28, 2018
That Batshuayi celebration better make it into FIFA 19
— Adrian Detlefsson (@AdrianSertl) June 28, 2018
資料來源:Sport Bible
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